25 Days of blogging....Day 1
I'm using writing prompts (found on pinterest) to do 25 days of blogging. Let's see how this goes.
So, today I'm supposed to share the recipe for my favorite Valentines Day baked good. I don't know that I have one favorite. The fact that I don't really bake also kind of throws a wrench into this. Chocolate is my all time favorite of anything edible, so instead of sharing a recipe for chocolate I will share a recipe for Valentines using the letters in chocolate.
C-reate an atmosphere of love. Look for positives in everyone in your home. Tell them how much they mean to you.
H-ug your honey. Not just a quick release or side hug, really hang on and give a good hug.
O-pen your arms to all of your friends and family today. They deserve a hug too.
C-ount the ways...(Remember this little ditty...How do I love thee? let me count the ways...) Write a love note to your honey and tell them all the ways that they are loved.
O-mit the nagging... Try it. Make a conscious effort to not nag honey or children or anyone else. You may find that you like how you are treated in return.
L-augh...A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Laugh with your honey, laugh with your kids, laugh with your friends. Just have a good time and be silly.
A-ppreciate the little things. Maybe your honey didn't do a great job at picking out a romantic card, or the right kind of chocolates; appreciate the fact that they tried.
T-hink about what you can do to make the people in your home happy. Make their favorite meal, buy their favorite candy or let them wear pajamas all day, whatever it takes.
E-njoy the time you have with your valentines. We are not promised tomorrow, so make the day count.
So, today I'm supposed to share the recipe for my favorite Valentines Day baked good. I don't know that I have one favorite. The fact that I don't really bake also kind of throws a wrench into this. Chocolate is my all time favorite of anything edible, so instead of sharing a recipe for chocolate I will share a recipe for Valentines using the letters in chocolate.
C-reate an atmosphere of love. Look for positives in everyone in your home. Tell them how much they mean to you.
H-ug your honey. Not just a quick release or side hug, really hang on and give a good hug.
O-pen your arms to all of your friends and family today. They deserve a hug too.
C-ount the ways...(Remember this little ditty...How do I love thee? let me count the ways...) Write a love note to your honey and tell them all the ways that they are loved.
O-mit the nagging... Try it. Make a conscious effort to not nag honey or children or anyone else. You may find that you like how you are treated in return.
L-augh...A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Laugh with your honey, laugh with your kids, laugh with your friends. Just have a good time and be silly.
A-ppreciate the little things. Maybe your honey didn't do a great job at picking out a romantic card, or the right kind of chocolates; appreciate the fact that they tried.
T-hink about what you can do to make the people in your home happy. Make their favorite meal, buy their favorite candy or let them wear pajamas all day, whatever it takes.
E-njoy the time you have with your valentines. We are not promised tomorrow, so make the day count.
Hello there! I just found your blog and I'm glad I did. I doesn't love chocolate and I love this reminder. Nice post! Looking forward to reading more.