Waxing- No pain, no gain

Its amazing what a nice set of eyebrows will do for your face. Fortunately, I wasn't blessed with a unibrow or a set like Brooke Shields. I just have your every day, run-of-the-mill, normal eyebrows, but they do get a little overgrown at times. That was where they were at today. I had bought some wax at Walmart a couple of months ago that you can put on and peel off....no paper needed. So, I heated it up to see if I could get my brows cleaned up for church tomorrow. Evidently, that stuff doesn't last forever and it doesn't like being warmed and re-warmed. I was able to get one little patch of over-grown brow off and then it was just me and the tweezers. I really don't like tweezers. I'd rather have my torture last 5 minutes rather than 10 or 15. When you start tweezing it is hard to stop. Oh.....and there is this other problem. Now that I'm over a certain age (cough, cough) I require reading glasses, only they're not just reading glasses. They are reading glasses, haircutting glasses, haircoloring glasses and eyebrow waxing glasses. UGGGHHH It is not easy to wear eyeglasses and try to tweeze eyebrows while holding a mirror up close to the eye. Needless to say, it wasn't until I saw the 'after' picture that I saw that I will have to finish the waxing job at school on Monday. As you can see, those brows still need a little work. Until next time....be careful with that hot wax!


  1. Salon Centric has a face waxing kit that is a roll on and it heats up by plugging the unit into the wall. It is $14.50 and comes with everything you need. Just a thought....


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