Modest Monday

I am attempting to revamp my blog in an attempt to make it more interesting, more meaningful, and more encouraging to Christian women.  I won’t make any promises about how often I’ll post, or even how interesting, meaningful or encouraging the contents will be, but I do want to attempt to be a help to people.

One of the things that I want to incorporate into my blog is some help for women and girls who are trying to do their best to be modest.  It is a challenge to buy modest clothing in our area, but I am convinced that it can be done.  I am also convinced that it can be done and you can still ‘fit in’.  Now, I know that some of you are already thinking that we are to ‘come out from among them and be ye separate.’  I agree COMPLETELY.  I also know that there are young people out there that don’t want to be so separate that they stick out like a sore thumb.  I don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb; although, I don’t want to look wordly either.  I would like to find a way to enjoy fashion, still be modest, and still be separate.
The Bible says this in 1st Timothy 2:8 - 10.
I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

I included the verses around verse nine, because I think that there are some very important truths to see.  One thing I see, is that it seems that modesty is as important as prayer.  
What?  Don’t you see it?  “I will that men pray everywhere….In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel.”  I didn’t make that up.  Those words are straight out of the Bible.   

So what is modest apparel?  Let’s look at the word ‘modest’.  In Webster’s 1828 dictionary, it states that modest means, “Properly, restrained by a sense of propriety; hence, not forward or bold; not presumptuous or arrogant; not boastful.”  To my understanding, that means that our clothing should not be so bold that people can’t look away.  Have you ever seen anything like that?  You want to look away, but you can help but stare.  You have to make yourself look away.  As Christians, we shouldn’t draw attention to ourselves, but to the Lord. 

So, is it only our clothing that can make a person modest or immodest?  Absolutely not.  That sounds like another whole blogging segment.

Do you have a hard time finding modest clothing for you or your child(ren)?


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