The year was 1991. I was young and in love and…..skinny. I had to have my size 5 wedding dress taken in to fit me. Look at that waist. Fast forward 23 years. My diet of fast food, coca cola and nightly chocolate bars has caught up with me. Well, it caught up with me long ago. I have tried it all; every fad diet, every ‘medically safe’ diet and everything in between. I have exercised off and on (mostly off), but I have not really stuck with anything. This summer I finally decided that I’ve had enough. I bought a couple of new workout dvds and started working out and counting calories on July 29th, 2013. It has almost been a month and my results are SLOW!!! I think my metabolism has stopped. LOL I’ve lost six pounds and have 40 to go. I have seen some minimal changes, so I’m not giving up. I don’t have things down pat yet. I still think I need to get in more protein, but I’m not exactly sure how to do that without adding a lot of calories.
What are some things that have worked for you when trying to lose weight?


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