Things that touched my heart....Part 1

So, I said that I would share some things from the Sword of the Lord Ladies Jubilee.  I'm still trying to catch things up, but I know you've all been sitting and waiting for these posts....(LOL) so here is the first.

It was funny because I told several people before we left (in a humorous kind of way) that I was going to the Ladies Jubilee to get my life in order.  I'll be doggoned if in the first session Dr. Smith didn't say that he had something special planned for us.  He told us that he was going to do a teaching session on Saturday morning on 'Setting your life in Order'.  You can only imagine my excitement as I heard this from him and said a special 'thank you' to the Lord in my heart for sending such a special blessing my way. 

I don't think Dr. Smith would mind my sharing his points because I really think that everyone should hear this message.  If, by the way, you would like to actually hear the message from Dr. Smith (and I highly recommend that you do this) you could probably contact the very nice people at the Sword of the Lord headquarters and they will probably send you a cd of the message for a very reasonable price.  Don't be shy about contacting them, they are THE BEST and you can tell them that I said that. 

I am so thankful for that staff and the effort that they put into the Ladies Jubilee each year!  So, here's another plug for them.... if you want to be RECHARGED, Ladies, I urge you to go!  It starts on Thursday evening.  There is a teaching session from a lady and then a preaching session from a wonderful Man of God.  Then for most of the day on Friday and then half a day on Saturday there are teaching sessions from very seasoned Women of God.  There are usually four or five topics to choose from in every session so there is something for everyone.  There is also a teen class during every session.  This happens every April, usually the last weekend of the month.  You can start checking their website in February of each year to get more information.

Here are my notes from the session that touched my heart and helped my heart probably the most.  I will put his points and then add some of my notes and thoughts in parenthesis.

Setting Your Life In Order  taken from Dr. Shelton Smith

1.  Cope with reality. (God is in control, the world is not. We make choices, but remember that our flesh is  in a fallen state.  We are to be stewards or God's grace.  Get peace with who you are.{I am a woman therefore I am not the head of my home, I need to be in submission to the leader of the home}
2. Acknowledge your situation.  (We are helpless, hopeless, ignorant sinners and we don't know everything.)
3. Hunger for a solution.  {What comes to mind here is a lot of people who are too content in their situation.  For instance, the family is hungry but this is the life that God has given us so we'll just have to deal with prayer, no looking for a better way...I know we should be content, but God also means for parents (not the government) to provide for their children...okay, getting off my soapbox here.  Dr. Shelton did not come close to saying this......just saying.}
4.  Establish your principles. (Don't rely on anything but the Bible for this.  Principles should guide your preferences.)
5. Create priorities. (Base these on your principles)
6.  Cancel anything and everything that conflicts with priorities.  {Can I meddle, football, cheerleading, soccer any other sports practice that happens on prayer meeting night}
7.  Evaluate your schedule.  (Be on time. Be disciplined enough to be on time.  Side note....I had to crawl up under the bench for this one....LOL)
8.  Correct your spending habits.  (still under the bench)
9.  Come to grips with peer pressure.  (Do you really need a new car, new clothing, whatever the neighbors or stylish church ladies have?)
10. Make no contract with culture.  (We are living in a cultural revolution...prayer out of school, abortion, same sex marriage.....just because it's okay in our culture doesn't make it right with God.)
11.  Acknowledge the Bible as the Word of God and make it the authority for your life.  (Amen.  Nuff said.)
12.  Protect the home front.  (TV, internet, guests)
13.  Build your standards based on scriptural principals not on comfort or popular culture.  (There are lots of things that we should have standards for , but let me just insert this here.  I have a daughter.  I totally understand how hard it is to keep modest standards, but it can be done.  Sometimes the popular dress code is not modest and we just have to deal with that.  Another side of the speakers talked about cullottes coming back this year.  She told her daughters that they would be able to dress stylishly this summer.  I'm still LOL about that one.  Not excited about cullottes, nothing beats a jean skirt anyway)
14. Get informed about your heritage....nationally and spiritually.
15.  Pray (for power, victory, needs for others, etc.)
16.  Develope a temperament that honors the Lord.  (yep....crawled back under the bench)
17.  Partner with those who are solid, mature and wise. (remember iron sharpeneth iron)
18.  Invest yourself in others. (Be a blessing to others.  We all can do something.....{although it's really hard when you're under the bench.})
19.  Correct yourself when you need correcting. (Take the trash out and dispose of it regularly...he actually did say that...and I liked it...but do you see how this is back is hurting from being hunched over under this bench.)
20.  Forgiveness and Forbearance.  (Put up with each other.  One of my favorite Ms. Francie sayings is P.O.A.T. which stands for Pass Over A Transgression.  It's hard to do, but a good thing to live by.)
21.  Keep yourself growing.  (Keep yourself daily in the Word.  Let preaching and teaching minister to you.  Don't be content with yourself until you have a reason to be content.)

There ya go.  I hope you will find you some verses for these principals and keep them in your heart and mind.  My toes (and back) are still sore from this message, but it sure did help me. 


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