Let's Go To Church

Church has always been a huge part of my life.  My best friends were always the people that I went to church with.  Even though I've not always been a Christian, I have always loved church.  As a teenager, I never questioned my parents about church because I always wanted to go.  When I got married and my husband worked every other Sunday, I still went to church.  When I started having babies and it was really hard to go (especially when hubby worked Sundays), I still went to church.
After all of these years of faithfully going, I still love going to church.

I now work ten hour days and it's really hard sometimes on Wednesday nights to make it to church on time, but guess what, I still go.  Sometimes I have to give myself a pep talk because that couch really calls loudly to me on Wednesday evenings, but I go and I'm always glad that I did.

So, I guess you're wondering why I am writing this.  Am I trying to make everyone that doesn't go to church feel bad?  Do I think I'm better than the people who don't go?  Am I sending out vibes of doom to those who only go to church every once in a while?  Nope.  I'm not trying to do any of those things.

After a discussion with a co-worker, I was really just thinking about how much my faith means to me and how I love to worship with other people.  My faith is increased and I am encouraged every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night when I see a church full of other Christians who love the Lord.  We share prayer requests and praise reports and we pray together.  If I'm really hurting and just need to go to an altar and pour my heart out to God, I can always be sure that someone will come pray with me.  I can't imagine my life without my church family.  I want everyone else to have that too and that's why I'm sharing this.

If you only go to church every once in a while and you're good with that, then so be it.  I'm not trying to convince you that you are wrong or that your relationship with God isn't as good as mine because of your church attendance  I just think that you could be missing out on huge blessings and sweet fellowship because you're not willing to give up more of your time for the Lord.

I believe that Christians need that time of teaching, fellowship, preaching and prayer to be able to encourage each other in the faith. In Hebrews 10: 24 and 25 the Bible says:

"And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

I know that some will argue and say that you can have those things in your home or where ever you want, and I will agree.  You can have any one of those things or even all of those things away from church, but there is a sweetness to sharing those times with others.  Like I said before, I can't imagine my life without my church family and if you are not involved in church I would encourage you to try it out.  you may find that you'll never want to be without it again.


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