A Heart Full of Thanks

This week, my husband and I will celebrate 25 years of marriage.  I am so thankful for the man that God has given me to share my life with.  We have been in ministry together for pretty much our entire married life. It has been hard at times, but with God as the center of our marriage it has always just worked.

Somewhere in our marriage vows we said something like "and therefore a pledge thee my troth" Troth is a solemn promise.  We promised each other to love, cherish, honor, keep ourselves for each other in sickness and in health as long as we live on April 6, 1991 and have tried to honor that, but only by God's grace.

Here are some ideas that I have that have kept us together and happy for all these years.

Prioritize-  In my opinion, a lot of people have their priorities lined up all wrong.  In order to have JOY in our lives, we must put Jesus first, Others second and ourselves last.  Now, in the 'others' department, your husband should come first.  ----GASP---- Yes, I heard that sigh.  We need to put our husbands first.  If your marriage is not what it ought to be, your relationship with everyone else including your children is probably not what it ought to be.  You may think that you can hide the strife that is in your marriage from your loved ones, but don't be fooled.  If you are a Christian and your marriage isn't right, it will show.  If you are having relationship issues, make sure that you are doing your part.  (Titus 2: 3-5   it's all in there)

Remember- Think back to the time that you fell in love.  The man that you are married to today is the same man you married then.

Overlook- Some times you just have to overlook the bad habits and quirks of your husband.  Yes, it would take him two seconds to pick up his clothes and put them where the need to go and the list could go on and on BUT, is it worth a fuss or going to bed mad if he isn't perfect.  I'm sure he has to overlook some things with you too.  (I know my hubby does)

Make time- Make time every day to spend alone with your hubby.  I know this can be extremely hard when you have little ones.  I know that moms with littles are exhausted at the end of their day.  Take a few minutes to tell your hubby that you love him and appreciate him.  Give him some sugar! Every....Day....

I'm sorry- Sometimes those words can be hard to say, but they are so important.  Just say it, it will be okay.

Set a date- No matter how new or how 'old' your marriage is, you need a date every once in a while. If you can't afford it, don't have a sitter, etc, get creative.  Do what works for you, but every once in a while have a special date.

Enjoy the little moments- Whether it be a few minutes on the couch together, a quick smooch, watching your husband with the kids having fun or whatever it might be, enjoy each moment.  Be thankful for each moment that you have with the one you love.  You don't want to ignore those things and then have regrets.

The most important thing you could ever do for your husband and your marriage is to pray for your husband.  Don't try to 'fix' your husband.  Ask God to help him to be the man that God meant him to be.  Then, pray for yourself, that the Lord will help you to be the helpmeet that He meant for you to be for your husband.

My heart is overflowing with thankfulness.  I have a man who loves God, who loves me, who loves our children and grandchildren, who has taken care of us and who is my spiritual leader.  I am blessed beyond measure!


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