What's in a name?

Sunday, Shae and I found out that we will be grandparents.

We are so excited!!!

The question that I'm being asked when I tell about the new baby is, 'what's it gonna call you?'. I've been thinking of what I want to be called as a grandmother. I remember a while back when a friend of mine was waiting on a grandbaby and how excited she was. She kept telling me, "Tab, you just wait, you'll be excited when you are gonna get a grandbaby." And I am. I just didn't expect to feel so OLD! LOL Well, it's not so much the baby that's making me feel old, it's the fear of what I'll be called.

All the 'grandma' names sound like old lady names when I try them on for myself. (No offense to all the wonderful grandmothers out there. I know I'm of 'grandmother' age, I just haven't accepted the fact yet.)

Even looking up 'grandma' to get a picture, about 80% of the pictures that came up were women in their 80's.

So, I know exactly what I DON'T want to be called: grandma, grandmother, mawmaw, meemaw, mamaw, grandmaw, bigmaw, nanny, granny, or anything else that has a 'gra' or a 'ma' anywhere in the name. I think that probably means that one of the above names will be my chosen name by the precious little one that is coming and if it is I will be okay with it. But, if there is choosing to do and if there is any guidance that I can give concerning my name I want to do it. (And here I thought all the name choosing was up to moms and dads for the baby)

My husband absolutely doesn't care. He has more comments to make on my choices for names than on his. He definitely didn't like 'ginja' which I love, by the way. What could be better than a grandma ninja?

A friend of mine told me that she is called 'Lolly' and her husband is called 'Pop'. Those are my absolute favorites. What do you think my name should be?


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