Today is May Day.  The 1st day of May.  There's a lot of stuff going on at our house this month, and I decided to add one more thing.  I want to TRY to do 31 days of blogging.  Not sure if I can do it, but I sure would like to try. 

Today I started walking on my treadmill.  I'm gonna try to do at least 30 minutes a day.  It liked to have killed me today, it's been way too long since I have exercised.  I also am trying to cut back on my sodas again.  So, I've had one today(picked it up and started drinking without even thinking)  and that's it.  The other thing I want to do is to write a little bit every day.  Today is Wednesday so this is gonna be it for the day since we have church tonight.  So, that's about it.  

Time to get ready for church...


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