
This is week three of the A2Z take 2 challenge and the letter for this week is “C”. 
One thing that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is Calories.  Last year I got down close and hugged my goal weight and then something happened.  I got my eyes off the prize and back on the junk that got me all those extra pounds to start with.  I have been thinking of going on a diet since January 1st, but I finally got started this week.  It is Thursday, and I have not had a Coca-Cola this week.  I have also been able to stay within my Calorie budget every day.

Did you know that in order to lose one pound of weight in a week that you have to reduce your Caloric intake by 3,500 Calories?  That’s right, give up 500 Calories a day and you can expect to lose one pound.  The way that I lost weight last year was by counting everything I put in my mouth AND writing everything I ate in a journal.   I have started back with my journaling and Calorie counting and it is already paying off.  Can you believe that in only four days I am already feeling better?

Our bodies are God’s awesome creation and I think that He wants us to take care of them.  In Psalm 139:14 the Bible says, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”  Our bodies are a marvellous work and I am amazed each time I think about all the things that are going on in there that makes us function.  I am thankful for my health and hope to do better in taking care of what God has given me.

Pray for me as I trudge down the weight loss path.  Do you have any weight loss secrets or low calorie-great tasting snacks that you would like to share the recipe for?


  1. Good for you on your choice for health! This is close to my heart because I lost about 50 lbs. and am keeping it off. I did much the same. Counting calories and recording what I ate. I also eat mostly low carb, although not extreme. I do eat things like brown rice, and whole grain breads or cereals, beans etc. occasionally. VERY rarely I'll have a little bit of dessert, but since I've been making these better choices for almost 3 years now, I don't crave the sweets and "bad" carbs like I used to. For the most part try to focus on lean protein (mostly fish and chicken) + good fruits and veggies. I'll pray for you on your journey! God Bless!


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