What songs would be on the mix tape of your life?
When I saw this writing prompt, I just had to go with it. It brought back some really fun memories. So for those of you who aren’t familiar with cassette tapes, here’s a history lesson for you… These little tapes usually contained the owner’s favorites songs that they had taped from a radio. You would listen to the radio with your cassette player nearby and when a song came on that you loved, you mashed the ‘Record’ button and you would do that until there was no more room on your tape. Now, when you would play the cassette tape and you were looking for a specific song, you would have to rewind or fast forward in order to find it. This was not a fast process. LOL My best friend and I would ride around in her car and listen to her favorite songs. My most favorite memory is when we were riding around with another friend and we serenaded her all day. (Her poor ears.) We had hand motions and all to go with this song, “Clo...